söndag 26 oktober 2008

Persuasive force

Så här stod det i mitt horoskop i dag:
"Valid during several weeks: This influence signifies a time of very intense mental activity. Your thinking and your communications with others have an intense, penetrating quality. You have a strong desire to get to the bottom of every question, and you will not be satisfied with superficial answers. This is a good time for any kind of mental activity that involves solving a mystery or answering a question. You also have the capacity to influence others, if you need to, and you are able to speak with persuasive force and vigor. You make it clear that what you say is the answer, not merely your opinion. The only danger here is that others will believe that you are right even when you do not know the answer. You must take the responsibility of not misusing this energy and not misrepresenting yourself."
Detta tycker jag låter bra i alla fall, då jag just nu är inne i en period av betygs- och bedömningsfunderingar samt behov av att attackdiskutera det med allt och alla.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

"You also have the capacity to influence others" Dig i ett nötskal! :)

Cosmo sa...

Jag tar det som en komplimang...

Anonym sa...

Självklart ska du göra det! Det var inte menat som något annat :)