söndag 15 februari 2009

Burn after reading

Jag hade höga förväntningar på filmen Burn after reading efter att ha läst skådespelarlistan; George Clooney, Brad Pit och John Malkowich... och eftersom jag för tillfället har varit inne i en Clooney-period så kändes filmen spännande på alla sätt (mest fysiska) och vis. Men shit vilket magplask, och vilken röra. Den enda stora behållningen i filmen är Brad Pits sjukt ocoola roll som tuggummituggande gyminstruktör. Det är riktigt riktigt kul faktiskt.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hey there! I also had high expectations of this production. But I think the Coens have totally bogged down in the whole "Order of Chaos" thing. Tiny bits of the action in the film do make sense, at least to the characters involved in them, but there is no sense to be made of the story as a whole. But that’s probably the whole point. As in their previous film, No Country for Old Men, the Coens have gone all in for chaos theories. The sense of their movie is not only that it makes no sense but that there is no sense to be made of anything anywhere in the world. Like No Country, this film seems to take delight in chaos and the lack of any moral order to the universe. Many critics thought Fargo represented the Coens' laughing at the good citizens of rural America but I thought that, beneath their sophisticated urban humor at the expense of these country folk, the Coens respected the basic decency of Marge and Norm and all that they stood for and, in fact, had made such a point of it precisely because the film needs that goodness to stand against the evil deeds represented in the main story line of the film. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe Burn After Reading is the culmination of a pattern of celebrating amorality and meaninglessness. Totally lacking in all decency areas. No "the Dude abides" her (as in the words of the main characterfrom The Big Lebowski). What do you think???
