söndag 30 november 2008

Veckas mål:

1. Vara positiv
2. Jobba, jobba, jobba
3. Göra något för mig själv

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Great goals (allthough goals one and two, you do all the time)!!! My goals for the week:

1. No moaning and complaining about shit I cannot control
2. No bitching and whining about stuff I cannot affect
3. Speak English with my friend, about a book we've both read (if she's up for it, that is)

I've come to realize that I bitch and moan like there's no tomorrow, all the time and it's NOT AN ATTRACTIVE FEATURE. In other words: It's got to stop. It simply has to stop...


Cosmo sa...

Men hur fan ska man göra när det mesta bara är skit? Allvarligt, vi är ju mycket bättre än så!

Anonym sa...

I know what you mean! As you already know, my plan to stop complaining failed miserably today (don't think there's been a day worse than today for me as regards the moaning). Were caught in a trap, I cant walk out, because I love you too much baby (trumpets...)

We just have to make sure to become as good as we really are, even at work, and realize our plan - to have fun at work. We just have to MAKE IT HAPPEN!